Group News 2016
170113 We received the competitive USTAR UTAG award to develop Mg batteries! Congratulations!
161221 Kevin and Yeyuan got married! Congratulations!
161210 Bo, Cam, and Zayn's paper on "A Long Cycling Aqueous Organic Redox Flow Battiery (AORFB) for Sustainable and Safe Energy Storage" was accepted by J. Amer. Chem. Soc. This newly invented ferrocene/viologen aquesous redox flow battery sets a new record on the energy density and cyling performance for AORFBs. Congratulations!
161201 Shuijian, Kevin, and Jian's invited review article on "Recent Advances on MgCl2 Based Electrolytes for Rechargeable Mg Batteries" was accepted by Energy Storage Materials. The reviews summarized our contributions to the new generation Mg electrolaytes for rechargeable Mg batteries. Congratulations! |
160901 Allysa Sams joined the group as our firsth female undergraduate researcher. Welcome!
160819 Jared, Shuijian, and Kevin present on the Utah Inorganic Organometallic Syposium at University of Utah. It was a fun day!
160819 Jared, Shuijian, and Kevin present on the Utah Inorganic Organometallic Syposium at University of Utah. It was a fun day!
160726 Leo delivered an invited presentation at TSRC Workshop "Interfacial Chemistry and Charge Transfer for Energy Conversion and Storage", Telluride, CO. It was a great pleasure to meet old friends.
160623 Our postdoc, Jian Luo, arrived today. Welcome!
160610 Coffin joined the group as our fourth undergraduate researcher. Welcome!
160508 Our postdoc, Dr. Xinyao Yu (jointly hired with Yujie) arrived at Logan today! Welcome!
160502 Cam won a poster presentation award at the USU annual research week. Congratulations!
160426 Our undergraduate researcher, Zayn Rhodes, received the competitive CoS research award to support his summer research in our group. Congratulations!
160410 Creighton received a research grant for 2016 ACS nuclear chemistry Workshop. Congratulations!
160208 Our postdoc, Dr. Shuijian He arrived at Logan tonight! Welcome!
160104 Zayn Rhodes joined the group as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome!